This DIY tutorial will teach you how to make your own cosmetic bag and brush holder out of oilcloth fabric and ribbon. It’s an average size and has an easy design making it simple to sew and construct. The size of this makeup bag is great because it will hold all the essentials and is small enough to travel with.
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Tip: Pins will leave small holes in the oilcloth, so use binder clips instead to avoid this.
First, remove the pins and pattern from the cosmetic bag piece. On the short ends, fold the edge over a ½” and press with your fingers to make a crease. With the zipper open, center it evenly on one end and pin. Stitch along the fold line using a zipper foot.
Move the zipper before you reach the end. First, fold the bag inside out. Pin the sides and stitch with a 1/2 inch seam allowance. Back stitch at the top and bottom.
At each bottom corner, measure 3 inches across from the side seam allowance to the bottom. Stitch on the lines and cut leaving a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Fold to the right side through the zipper opening. If needed take an object with a pointy end and use it to help pop the corners out. The push the corners inward to create a flat surface on the bottom. Hand stitch the corners closed and the cosmetic bag is complete.
Take the small rectangle and fold the edges over 1/4 of an inch. Pin and stitch around all four sides. Place this piece at the bottom of the large rectangle with the right side facing up.
Depending on how long you want the ribbon, measure a yard and a quarter to a yard and a half of the ribbon and cut at an angle. Place the center of the ribbon on the back of the brush holder and pin each side. Stitch with a 1/4 inch seam allowance on both sides. Fold the case in half and tie the ribbon to make a bow. The brush holder is now complete.
Can't decide what print or color? Click here to browse all of our oilcloth.