Workout tanks are easy to make and comfortable to move in while exercising. I’m going to show you how to make a muscle tank top that is breathable when working out. Cotton jersey is best to use because of its stretch and flexibility. You can leave the back as is or gather together like I did for more of a design.
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Fold the fabric over just enough so that the pattern fits. Take the on fold side of the pattern and pin to the fold line. Pin around the edges of the pattern and cut. Repeat this again for the second piece.
Place the back piece on top of the front piece. If your fabric has a right side then the right sides should be facing each other. Pin the sides and shoulders together. Stitch the shoulders and sides with a ½ inch seam allowance.
On the back of the tank top, take the 5 inch x 3 inch strip and stitch one end to the center of the armhole. Gather the fabric and tightly wrap the strip around 3 to 4 times. Make sure the end is facing the back so you can’t see it from the outside.
Want to make your own for your next workout? Check out our selection of cotton jersey knits!