How to Make a Pouf Ottoman

Poufs are a trendy and functional décor item, but they can be pricey. By creating your own, you can save money and make it exactly how you want. You can use your pouf as an ottoman or foot rest, as extra seating, or as floor pillows. They’re especially great for kids’ spaces.


How to Make a Pouf Ottoman - Materials



Step 1:Measure & cut the fabric

This pouf is going to be a 17” cube. Measure and cut pieces for the top and bottom that are 21” square. I’m using an upholstery velvet here. Also cut 4 strips that are 4” x 15”. These will wrap around the corners to create a border around each side.

Finally, cut 4 pieces that are 15 x 15” each for the sides. I’m going to use two different fabrics for this.

Top and bottom length and/or width:

(Desired length or width) + (border width x 2) + 1” for seam allowance.

Border strips:

Length: [Desired height] – ([border width] x 2) + 1” for seam allowance

Width: ([border width] x 2) + 1” for seam allowance

Side panels length and/or width:

[Desired height] – ([border width] x 2) + 1” for seam allowance

Step 2: Sew the corners on the top and bottom

I’m going to sew the corners on the top and bottom pieces so the fabric wraps around the edges 1 ½”. On the back of the fabric, mark two lines that form a 2” square in each corner. That’s 1 ½” + ½” for the seam allowance.

Fold the fabric in half diagonally and sew on the line, back stitching at the beginning and end. Make sure the stitching is on the line on the other side too. Cut off the extra fabric and repeat for the rest of the corners on both the top and bottom pieces.

Step 3: Sew the sides

Next I’m going to sew all the border and side pieces together. Place a border and square panel together with right sides facing and sew down the length with a ½” seam allowance.

Continue sewing the pieces together, alternating between border and side pieces. Once they are in one long strip, sew the ends together to close the loop.

Step 4: Sew it all together

Then, sew the top piece to the sides. Line them up with right sides facing so the corners fall in the middle of the border pieces and pin. Sew all the way around, back stitching at the beginning and end.

When you come to a seam, open it up before sewing over it for both the top and bottom fabrics.

Repeat for the bottom piece, but leave a gap of about 12” in the middle of one of the sides.

Step 5: Add the filling

Turn the pieces right side out and poke out the corners. Fill the pouf with scrap fabric. It’s best to start with batting, stuffing or a pillow form so the top is soft and smooth. I’m using an 18” pillow. Then fill the rest with whatever you have around like old towels or sheets. Put lighter fabrics in first so they will be near the top and finish with heavier fabrics. Use batting or stuffing around the sides to fill out the pouf if needed.

If you want the pouf to be softer like a floor pillow, you can fill it with just stuffing instead. Or you can get bean bag fill.

Step 6: Hand sew the pouf closed

Learn how to sew an invisible stitch.

Fold the edges in ½” and hand sew the opening with an invisible stitch. When you finishing sewing, turn it over and the pouf is done!

Need to find the right color match for your home? Browse our selection of decor fabric here!